Cabeau Enjoys a 627% Increase in Traffic!

Cabeau Enjoys a 627% Increase in Traffic!

Cabeau, Inc., in Woodland Hills, California chose ASTRALCOM as their search marketing partner and immediately realized the benefits. Working with exact same budget as their previous partner, ASTRALCOM was able to increase Cabeau’s traffic by 627%, in less than 30 days.

See for yourself in this screenshot below:


We typically produce awesome results like this on the first engagement.

“We’re happy with our results.” “We can’t afford to make any changes.” “We already have a partner providing that service.” You’d be surprised at how many times we hear these statements in our conversations with prospects. Often, people don’t really know that they are getting sub-par results from their providers. We’re able to quickly and easily demonstrate a completely different level of results – an exponentially better outcome.

Are you happy with your search marketing provider? It can’t hurt to compare performance outcomes and you’ll likely be surprised.

Even if you want a different perspective, give us a call at 800.536.6637 or click to setup a time to chat.


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