The Top 3 Challenges To Getting Your Content Marketing Right

The Top 3 Challenges To Getting Your Content Marketing Right

While marketers use content to boost customer engagement, lead generation and brand awareness, recent research suggests that there are plenty of boundaries preventing content marketers from reaching the ultimate level of success. Yet, recent research conducted by Ascend2 found a wide variety of obstacles to the success of content marketing efforts. The study found that the lack of content creation resources was the biggest challenge, followed by lack of an effective strategy and then budget constraints were the third-biggest challenge.

Earlier this year, Curata highlighted several trends that could help marketers get passed these hurdles. For example, Curata discovered that. “It was becoming more common for companies to have an executive who was directly responsible for an overall content marketing strategy.” Their reasoning was that having a leader in place would help facilitate the creation of a content strategy and better manage resources.


Read all the great details in the overview article from eMarketer and you’ll be glad you did. And checkout our Content Kingdom infographic which you will find useful.

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