Showing Results and Examples Can Transform Your Marketing Game
Content marketing is essentially the business of building a rich and compelling story around your offering in order to increase sales. Marketers are in the business of building intrigue. That said, audiences these days are savvy enough to spot poor marketing from a mile away. Language that works hard to convince customers that you are the best, that your services are unparalleled, and that you don’t allow room for debate is sure to rub certain audiences wrong.
Have you considered showing, rather than telling? I found this recent piece interesting, as it profiles three companies that give readers and customers carte blanche to interpret the information and make up their own minds about who or what is “the best.”
The first comes in the form of online classes taught by a luxury coffee machine company, which used the classes as a way to help customers experience the versatility of their products and to use them to the fullest. After all, when it comes to buying a fancy kitchen gadget, who doesn’t want a little help navigating all the features? The second example comes in the form of delivering facts as opposed to sweeping claims. A mattress company created the simple landing page addition of a slider with quotes from customer reviews. A third opportunity to shed salesy language comes in the form of offering value-adding, unexpected informational content to educate your customer. Impress customers by the depth of your subject matter expertise, rather than convincing them that you’re the most knowledgeable.
If your brand is seeking ways to increase conversions through transparent marketing, ASTRALCOM can help with comprehensive content marketing services.