How Does Digital PR Affect Your Brand’s SEO?

How Does Digital PR Affect Your Brand’s SEO?

When It Comes To Digital PR, The Proof Is In The Link-Building

Digital PR


Not unlike traditional public relations campaigns, digital PR seeks media outlets across digital platforms and content creators. Done effectively, digital PR can significantly impact how a business shows up both in the foreground and behind the scenes through new backlinks that increase online traffic.


When a business is backlinked through trusted, authentic content environments, it gains tremendous “SEO brownie points.” Contextually relevant links are particularly impactful when they come from reputable online media outlets. Not only does digital PR put your content in front of new audiences, but it also increases the likelihood that you will be tagged, mentioned, or linked to by additional sources.

To get started on a digital PR initiative, ask basic strategy questions around your target audience, your key performance indicators, and what you hope to accomplish. Then, make your message. What defines the product or services you are hoping to feature? Once you’ve cracked this, you can explore various content types, from traditional thought leadership publications to blogs, videos, press releases, and more. Be sure that the content you create meets the requirements of your host online media outlet.


When it comes to finding the right home for your content, do some research to track down exciting publications, journalists, and influencers who are aligned with your work. Pitching for PR is all about adding a human touch. The more personal and authentic you are in your outreach, the more likely you’ll be to succeed.


Curious about what digital PR can do for your business? Learn about ASTRALCOM’s PressGrabber Service, designed to unite your ambitions around press exposure and SEO.


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