How to Create SEO Benchmarks for Your Website
Digital marketers are all aware that SEO will make or break their businesses. However, what is less obvious is how to assess their SEO strategies over time. Benchmarks and aspirational data can feel like a slippery set of goals – but as experts remind us, it is not unattainable to create a solid baseline analysis that informs your SEO strategy.
Any good SEO overhaul begins with research and self-assessment to see how you’re doing on a few key fronts: how does your site rank on the search engine results page? What keywords are you ranking for, and how much overlap do they have with your competitors? How many backlinks do you have? With these data points in hand, you are ready to dive into Google Analytics and learn more about your site’s SEO performance.
Within your Google Analytics dashboard, you can extract several key data points from your audience overview, acquisition overview, and audience benchmarking. Semrush is another popular tool that can help explain your traffic sources, backlinks, functional keywords, and indexed pages. A Semrush report will explain how many of your keywords rank in the top 100, how keyword ranking impacts your site’s traffic, how much you might pay in Google Ads to increase traffic, and more.
If you are looking to optimize search engine results for your business and are unsure how to assess your current performance or set goals, partner with ASTRALCOM. Our SEO expertise can help you unlock your business’s growth potential and overcome marketing hurdles to reach your target audience.