Newsflash: Google Leaked Hundreds of SEO Indicators – Here are the Highlights

Newsflash: Google Leaked Hundreds of SEO Indicators – Here are the Highlights

Leak Alert! We Have Powerful New Data on Google’s Search Algorithm  

New Data on Google’s Search Algorithm

It is no secret that Google has an enormous amount of power in the digital landscape – and that its ever-changing algorithm makes it a moving target for marketers. It should be of interest to all in the field, then, that a recent data leak exposed all sorts of metrics that impact brands’ visibility and rankings. Some of these included domain authority, user engagement, content freshness, site size, and originality. The leak also highlighted the significance of Chrome user data and the impact of changes over time on search rankings.

This set of discoveries emphasizes the importance of maintaining high-quality, frequently updated content to optimize SEO performance. Some of the most surprising elements revealed in the leak include:

  • Google’s heavy reliance on domain trust and authority emphasizes the importance of building a reputable site.
  • User engagement metrics such as clicks, bounce rates, and time spent on a site. Google measures these to gauge content relevance and quality.
  • Fresh, regularly updated content significantly impacts rankings.
  • Frequent content changes and site history can affect rankings.
  • Original content is prioritized, and duplicate content can harm rankings.

Keeping pace with SEO is an enormous undertaking. If your brand is ready to tap into the power of SEO with expert guides to level up your SEO marketing efforts, ASTRALCOM can help.


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