What’s Special About the Passage of Time Online?

What’s Special About the Passage of Time Online?

In An Online Minute, The Social World is Pulsing

Passage of Time Online

The digital world is vast, and the amount and quality of information exchanged between people each minute can boggle the mind. A recent roundup of statistics caught our attention, as it signals significant behavioral trends that marketers and online brands should be aware of in trying to gain traction with their audiences. For example, while Snap may not be at the top of your marketing strategy hitlist, up to 2.4 million snaps are created on Snapchat per minute! In that same minute, as many as 347,222 users scroll on Instagram.

What about longer-form content, you ask? In just a minute, 28,000 subscribers watch Netflix, and YouTube users upload 500 hours of video. On the shopping front, Amazon ships 7,000 packages, and consumers spend over $1 million online each minute. People send approximately 197.6 million emails, and Google processes over 5.7 million searches.

These numbers illustrate that the many ways users engage online amounts to an ever-growing digital landscape. All of this underscores the need for businesses to effectively engage with their audience across multiple channels. If you are a brand looking to enhance your multichannel marketing efforts, lean on the team at ASTRALCOM. We bring decades of comprehensive digital strategy, content marketing, and SEO expertise.


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