Healthcare Marketers: Are You Properly Using Intent Data?

Healthcare Marketers: Are You Properly Using Intent Data?

How Empathizing with Your Customer’s Intent Can Revolutionize Your Healthcare Marketing

Healthcare Marketing

Anyone who has ever had a poor patient care experience can speak volumes about the disconnect between healthcare corporations and the nitty gritty, painful details of needing and receiving care. By extension, it is not surprising that many healthcare organizations suffer from a massive disconnect between what the business perceives as effective content marketing and what users actually want when searching for healthcare information online.

To put it differently, healthcare organizations need to prioritize intent data, which refers to information collected about a user’s behavior that indicates their level of interest in a particular topic, product, or service. This data includes online activities like web browsing, content consumption, and engagement with marketing materials, helping businesses understand potential customers’ interests and readiness to purchase. By analyzing intent data, marketers can tailor their strategies to target users more effectively, offering personalized content and solutions that meet their specific needs and preferences, ultimately improving conversion rates and marketing ROI.

When a marketer effectively leverages intent data, their entire process can be very granular, from research to syndication to publications. Rather than sticking to general, it becomes possible to offer deeper, more engaging content around patient empowerment, enrolling in preventative screenings, coping with specific immunity issues, etc. That level of specificity is beneficial because it categorizes the content according to how customers look for things and puts their preferences and behaviors first. If you want to be a market-leading content creator in the healthcare space, you need to reach customers at a level of specificity that aligns with their needs at a given moment. Your content output needs to map to the complexity of human interest around the body, the health system, and the types of care they might be after at any given moment.

What is a reliable way to ensure your healthcare marketing content is on the right track? It starts with data-driven decision-making and sound research. Creating personas to test your assumptions around which topics generate interest from specific segments of your target audience is a foundational way to conduct tests and learn from real human engagement. In addition, workshopping content topics with healthcare personnel who are on the front lines and are closest to actual patient pain points can shed helpful light on the types and qualities of content that are most likely to succeed. If you generate any online content, you are likely sitting on a data goldmine. Work with ASTRALCOM to tap into the power of data intent and to provide your customers with the relevant, meaningful healthcare content they need to build long-term loyalty toward your brand.


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