Have You Tried Sourcing Content Marketing Ideas from Customers?
Whether or not you’re new to content marketing, any marketer can relate to feelings of writer’s block. Content marketing involves creating original blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and more to help educate and inform customers about your offering and add value to their experience of your brand. The most effective content marketing tends to cover a clearly defined niche representing a shared affinity area or common interest between you and your customer. The best topics address pain points, life experiences, and critical moments your customers can relate to. If you’re coming up dry on ideas for your next round of articles, then consider sourcing them from your target customers. Are there life events that might lead a customer to seek you out? Does your offering align with their specific goals? By finding thematic alignment with your customer, you’re more likely to capture their attention. Sustain their interest by using imagery, language, and cultural references that will resonate with them.
Ready to take your content marketing to the next level? ASTRALCOM’s ContentKingpinSM package is the best way to ensure that your content development efforts are consistent, engaging, relevant, and support customers’ alignment with your brand.