Content is King. Context is Queen. Conversion is the Royal Heir.

Content is King. Context is Queen. Conversion is the Royal Heir.

Updated October 7, 2022


It’s like this: Content is King. Context is Queen. Conversion is the Royal Heir.

We were just finalizing this axiom and the related graphic, when we ran across this awesome post by Alexandra Maia. Great minds think alike, indeed. Our version includes a third part and viola: a New Royal Family is born in the Kingdom of Content. So, we just had a little fun with this post…


Let’s break the content fiefdom down into its hamlets.

Because Content comes in all shapes and sizes, in the fiefdom of Content, where the King is from, the rule of the land is to abide by the Golden Content Triangle. Earned, owned and paid Content are all important. Each are published and maintained across multiple channels and with the proper frequency and cadence. Always wanting to build his kingdom larger, “My kingdom for some Content!” he commands.

The Queen is from the hamlet of Context. “Everything in its proper place,” she is often heard saying. These kinds of activities in this setting, for these guests and those kinds of activities in that setting, for those guests and so forth. After all, you wouldn’t want to serve high-tea at 7pm and dinner at 230pm. There is a proper syntax to each guest experience and the Queen knows just how to present this.

The prince; the Royal Heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Content rules over his hamlet in the Mountains of Conversion amid pots of gold and colorful rainbows. In the Mountains of Conversion, everything is perfectly arranged, shiny and clean. When the King of Content and the Queen of Context are there, the Prince frequently expresses his bliss by exclaiming “This is just what I wanted!”

Yet, all is not rosy in the Kingdom of Content. Because the King and the Queen are both so very busy in their respective roles, the Hamlet of Content produces stuff that is irrelevant, uninteresting and does not really engage the Queen’s guests. The King thus gets discouraged and the amount, cadence and frequency of content fall off. The Queen is scurrying around so much, that she often mixes up events, announcements and sometimes forgets altogether. This infuriates the King and frustrates the guests, most terribly. Because of this, the King and Queen rarely connect with their guests in any meaningful fashion.

As such, the Royal Heir rarely sees his parents, the King of Content and the Queen of Context and very few of their guests.

If only the King of Content was able to produce timely, relevant and engaging content for the Queen of Context and her guests. Then, the Kingdom would be happy and guests could visit the Royal Heir in the Mountains of Conversion.

All things being relevant, what do you get when you have good content, in the right context? A conversion, of course.

This article is part of the Conversion Marketing Thought Leadership Series.


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